Video versus Intranet

Surely intranets are the way forward in Internal Communications?

Many companies now use intranets as the core medium for their Internal Communications.

Running costs are low and information is instantly updatable. Everyone surfs the net and is comfortable with the medium.

Research show that more people are turning the TV off and clicking onto sites like BBC News, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace and Google Video.

An intranet is just a pathway. It's the picture frame, the road the medium that allows people to explore a non-public site and keep up with company news and information.

Video integrates perfectly with the web. Faster connection speeds and better infrastructure now make downloading videos seamless to the viewer.


Key fact:

According to new figures from Nielson Online, 21 million people in the UK access TV, video and movie sites online, a 28% increase. The figures cover the period from September 2006 to September 2007.